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SINCE 1988.


Please scroll below for class schedule timetable.


Contact: yoga@rajy.org

Beginner's courses are offered three times a year only. The sooner you join , the better in the long run.


Classes are held in fully equippled private studio in Azabu. They structured for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels respectively. Private lessons, therapeutic yoga, prenatal yoga, restorative yoga are offered on an appointment basis as well..

There are basic beginner's courses offered three times a year which offer step by step instruction based on the Iyengar tradition of hatha yoga.

Private lessons are available by mutual appointment and convenience for those who wish to jumpstart their practise, or work on any thereapuetic issues and restorative or medical yoga which Iyengar yoga is well known for.

Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle strives to offer a solid foundation for practice for various styles of yoga, with refined, articulate and precise instruction in English and Japanese, which does not disrupt the vitality of energy flow during the session.

The setting of the space provides a further basis for unobstucted and comfortable practice and deep relaxation in the heart of hectic urban Tokyo life.

Read more about yoga here....

Classes are based on ticket system for ongoing classes and/or course system for Beginner's.


Contact for details about registration,tickets, pricing and location.


The teaching of yoga postures in an Iyengar Yoga class is essentially similar in most classes; each teacher will teach the postures which he/she has selected for the class for a specific reason, but the manner of teaching postures is the same. This means a student can go to any teacher and fit in to the class immediately. In general the class will start with a few moments of quiet to prepare for the yoga session. This is followed by some preliminary postures to mobilise the body, open and activate the body and to quieten the brain to encourage a focused and concentrated state of mind. Standing postures are then often practiced in which one learns the fundamentals of how to adjust and align the body correctly. This has to be learnt before more advanced postures can be successfully mastered. Standing poses therefore form the foundation of even the most advanced postures and have to be studied continuously.

The practice could then focus on special postures including backbends, more standing postures, forward bends, inverted postures, restorative and recuperative postures which prepare the student for the practice of pranayama or breath control. Pranayama is normally taught in a class designed specifically for this practice and students usually begin pranayama after about two years regular asana practice, although observation of normal breathing patterns and some basic pranayamas may be introduced during the relaxation/recuperative period at the end of each asana class. The class will end with recuperative and re-energising postures.

Classes are arranged to teach groups of postures, such as backbends or forward bends standings, forward extensions, backbends, restorative, therapeutic and recuperative poses in a sequential programme.

The high standard of training of teachers ensures a good record of safety for the students. Students will often say they walk away from an Iyengar Yoga class feeling straighter and full of energy despite of having worked quite hard.

For further questions contact Rajay at: yoga@rajy.org

Tel: L: (03)5797-7415
From outside Japan:
From outside Japan:

"Asanas penetrate deep into each layer of the body and ultimately into consciousness itself." —BKS Iyengar

Read more about yoga here....

Contact: ryoga@rajay.org
I honour the place in your in which the entire universe dwells.
I honour the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace.
When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One.

Tokyo Yoga Circle

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Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu,
Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion
or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up
from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,
am not an entity in this world or the next,
did not descend from Adam or Eve or any
origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.
I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being.

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

Please scroll below for timetable.

"Relaxation begins from the outer layer of the body and penetrates the deep layers of existence." -BKS Iyengar

Contact: yoga@rajy.org

Class Timetable:

Ongoing classes
Read more about yoga here....

Private lessons, yoga for special needs, back care, therapeutic yoga, restorative yoga, remedial yoga, yoga for srress and relaxation classes avaialble. contact for details and appointment.
Corporate lessons also available.

Prenatal/Postnatal/Maternity Yoga classes are also offered.
Read more about Prenatal/Postnatal/Maternity Yoga:contact for details here....

Morning Afternoon Evening
Sunday 10:30AM-12:00 Noon
Advanced Beginner/Intermediate
Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle

Wednesday 10:30AM-12:00 Noon
Advanced Beginner/Intermediate
Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle
Thursday 7:00PM-8:30PM
Advanced Beginner/Intermediate
Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle
Saturday 10:30AM-12:00 Noon
Advanced Beginner/Intermediate
Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle

Contact: yoga@rajay.org

TEL: 03-5797-7415

"Before peace between nations, we have to find peace inside that small nation, which is our own being. " —BKS Iyengar

Pricing for ongoing classes:

Classes are on a ticket system for ongoing students and/or course system for beginner's /and/or private lessons, therapeutic yoga, restorative yoga prenatal yoga by appointment.
Please contact for any or all details.

Class location is Azabu area, near Roppongi, Kamiyacho or Azabu Juban.

Contact: yoga@rajay.org

Read more about yoga here....

"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." —BKS Iyengar
English | Japanese

All classes of the Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle are taught by Rajeshwari Mahtani..
She wishes to share her studies and experiences of yoga with serious and committed students and pratitioners.

Rajay is one of the original founding members and is also presently a board member of the Iyengar Yoga Association of Japan and has been teaching yoga in Tokyo since 1988. Rajay has been studying and practicing yogic science, meditation and exploring various healing modalities since 1980 .

Iyengar yoga She visits the Ramanani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute twice a year to deepen her practice and knowledge that she wishes to share with her students. She has just returned to Japan in April 2015, from a one year sabbatical in Pune, India, studying at The Ramamani Iyengar Yoga Memorial Institute.(RIMYI).
On a regualar basis, she spends three weeks a year , twice a year, for her personal retreat, detoxification and self-development.

Rajay has an intrinsic interest and continuing commitment to exploring the subjects of yoga and various meditation techniques, sound therapy, holistic health, ayurveda, detoxification, aromatherapy, herbology, nutrition, self healing, health and rejuvenation.

"Yoga is a light which, once lit, will never dim. The better you practice, the brighter the flame." —BKS Iyengar
Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle
Sri BKS Iyengar Certified Senior Intermediate Yoga Instructor

Born in Tokyo,Japan of Indian heritage and attended International School of Yokohama, Sacred Heart International School, Welham Girls High School (British boarding school in Dehra Dun, India), and graduated from Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan with Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature in 1978.
Practitioner of Shri BKS Iyengar yoga method since 1980..
Studying yoga at RIMYI, Ramamai Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute since 1983.
Resided in Pune, India to undertake continuous studies at RIMYI 1983-1988.
Studied and completed a practical course of the science of Ayurveda with Dr. Vasant Lad https://www.ayurveda.com/ at the Mount Madonna Center in Santa Cruz, California, USA.1989.
Founding member of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Japan formed by Shri BKS Iyengar with a group of seven senior students from Japan. 1988
Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle was formed with bilingual instruction offered in English and Japanese at various locations in Tokyo. 1988.
Main organiser of first BKS Iyengar Yoga Convention in Tokyo, with Shri BKS Iyengar and his entourage of seven senior students and medical doctors at the Tokyo American Club, which was attended by over 1000 participants. 1991
Currently all classes are offered at Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle, a private, serene studio, walking distance from Azabujuban, Roppongi, Kamiyacho area, in an absolutely oasis like setting.

Please contact for location, class structure and fee details.

Certification and Credentials:
Level Intermediate Junior-1988
Level Intermediate Junior Two 1996
Level Intermediate Senior One 2003
Level Intermediate Senior Two/Three 2005

Studied and complted a practical course of the science of Ayurveda with Dr. Vasant Lad https://www.ayurveda.com/ at the Mount Madonna Center in Santa Cruz, California, USA.1989.

Founder,owner and instructor of Oasis Centre for Body. Minda and Spirit in Omotesandso, Tokyo, Japan's frist Iyengar yoga center. 1991-2000.

Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle has offered all classes below since 1988.

Yoga Instructor at Tokyo American Club 1989-2013.
Yoga studio at Aoyama Dancing Square/Bell Commons 2000-2012.
Yoga Instructor at Minato-ku Azabu Community/Civic Center 1985-2013.
First yoga instructor for Tokyo Pregnancy Group 1990-2013.
Yoga Instructor at UBS and various corporate lessons.
Appeared in NHK Egolian serial Sabbatical in Pune, India, at Ramamani Iyengar Yoga Memorial Institute February 2014-March 2015.

Tokyo Iyengar Yoga Circle is now truly an OASIS in the centre of the city of Tokyo, nestled amid greenerty in a serene yet central location, to heal your body, mind and spirit.
Please contact for details of class structure, location, pricing, policy, appointments for private lessons.

From Japan: 090-9825-8981
From outside Japan; 9180-9825-8981

From Japan: 03-5797-7415
From outside Japan: 813-6797-7415

Yoga is more popular now than it has ever been. Famous entertainers and other celebrities practice it and thousands or perhaps millions of other people are also doing yoga exercises in one form or another. Yet, despite this widespread popularity, yoga is still misunderstood. Many people think that yoga is primarily a physical activity, something that they can use to get their body in shape. While it is true that yoga has a great role to play in the physical realm, yoga is much more than this.
Yoga is, in its deepest sense, the science of human perfection. It is the means by which a person can attain his or her fullest development: physical, mental and spiritual.

Human perfection? This is a tall order. It does not come with just a few stretches of your thighs. While yoga has its external practices and exercises, its true foundation is proper conduct. Proper conduct means living a life that will put you in harmony with the society around you and with your own inner self.

In many yoga books Yama is sometimes defined as abstinences, meaning things that you shouldnt do. Niyama is sometimes translated as observances, referring to things that you should do. These rough translations are not quite correct.

A better way to understand Yama is to think of it as a discipline that will help you to find harmony with your external environment. Niyama, on the other hand, are those practices that will help you to attain internal harmony.

Yama has five parts. They are as follows.

1. Ahimsa means to refrain from harming others with your thoughts, words or actions. Consciously we should not do anything that will harm others or block their physical, mental or spiritual progress. If you want a two or three-word English definition of this Sanskrit word just remember non injury or non-harming. But there is more to Ahimsa than just two words. What about self-defense? What about our relations to other living beings? These are important issues and there are a variety of viewpoints.

2. Sayta is generally referred to as truthfulness. A better definiti is action of mind and right use of words with the spirit of welfare. Whatever we think or say should be done with the spirit of helping others. It generally means to tell the truth, but if the exact truth will create harm to someone, then we have to choose our words carefully. That is why a good two-word definition would be discriminating truthfulness.

3. Asteya means non-stealing. We should not take possession of something that is owned by another. We should not even think of stealing something and we should also refrain from depriving others of what they are due.

4. Brahmacarya literally means to remain attached to Brahma (the Supreme Consciousness). The idea of this practice is to treat every living and non-living entity as an expression of God.

5. Aparigraha is defined as non-accumulation of physical objects that are superfluous to our needs. According to your circumstances you should acquire what you need to live your life, but you should not accumulate luxuries that go beyond your real needs.

These are the five parts of Yama.

Just as there are five aspects of yama, niyama is also composed of five principles. Practice these five and you will achieve inner harmony. Briefly, they are as follows:

1. Shaoca (pronounced: Sha-o-cha) means cleanliness and purity. Keep your environment clean and your thoughts pure. The old proverb says Cleanliness is next to Godliness and it is true.

2. Santosha is contentment of mind. Work hard, do the best you can, and then remain contented with what you have.

3. Tapah signifies the practice of penance to reach the goal. It does not mean suffering for the sake of suffering. Rather, look around and you will find people with difficulties. Take on some of the burdens of others and you will not only help society but your own inner self will be purified.

4. Svadhyaya is the study and true understanding of uplifting literature. Whenever possible seek out the company of spiritually minded people. When that is not possible read and absorb the teachings contained in books written by enlightened teachers.

5. Iishvara Pranidhana literally means to take shelter in the controller of the universe. It is practiced through daily meditation on the ultimate goal of life.

Read more about yoga here....

For more information:

Email: yoga@rajay.org

Read DISCLAIMER here....

"Classic poses, when practised with discretion and awareness, bring the body, mind and consciousness into a single harmonious whole." —BKS Iyengar

"Lack of knowledge is the source of all pains and sorrows whether dormant, attenuated, interrupted or fully active." —BKS Iyengar

Please view the sites below for all certified teachers qualified to teach in the BKS Iyengar method.

Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute

International Iyengar Yoga Organization

Japan Iyengar Yoga Association

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